March 21, 2019


We never know what tomorrow will bring, but if all goes as planned, 2019 is going to treat me VERY well in the travel category. I literally can't contain my excitement for these trips, so I'm spilling the beans now! I'll follow up each trip with a blog post of the 411, duhhh.

Washington, DC for the Cherry Blossom Festival! This has always been on my friend Sam's bucket list, and I'm always down for any trip with her (and our boys). I've only been to DC once but absolutely loved it! It's so clean and we found a street lined with food trucks. Food trucks and blooming cherry blossoms.. I'm in.

NYC to hang with my cousin! He's a super cool architect and has lived in Manhattan for a few years now (previously Atlanta). This will be my first solo flight, very nervous about that, but my love for the big apple outweighs any fear of flights. Majorly obsessed with NYC, if you haven't noticed yet.

No plans YET. But it's my birthday month.. so maybe I'll make some for the heck of it (: Hopefully it's filled with lots of days at the lake. I haven't been to Vegas in a while though.. 😏

Bach trip for one of my best girls in Asheville, NC! I've been to Asheville many times, but I can imagine this will be one for the books. Let me know any of bachelorette things we should do!

Last week of July/first of August, will be out west! Salt Lake City UT, Moab UT, Denver CO, and wherever else we throw in on the way! I've never been out west! Need all your recs for these cities, as well as Boulder CO, Colorado Springs CO, and Cheyenne WY!
Big cities always make my heart beat fast, so I'm very excited for the downtown areas. As far as outdoor activities go, Rocky Mtn Ntl Park, Paint Mines, Garden of the Gods, and Arches Ntl Park are on the list, but I need any and all recommendations! Food, activities, best hikes, anything!

Middle August I'll be going to Charleston, SC for a blogger trip with the sweetest gals! We're being hosted by a super nice company! I'll be super excited to share this because y'all are always asking about the best places to stay in Chucktown! One of the girls is from Oklahoma and has never been to Charleston, we're so excited to show her around! I seriously hope she falls in love, or else.. she might not have a soul? To be continued..

OAHU! The trips keep getting better and better! I'm freeeeaking out. I keep telling people that I expect I'll just cry when I get there, I can't imagine how pretty it will be! There are like 12 of us going, including my girl Becky. It's a huge 'creative' trip. Most of the people I'm going with create content for a living (photographers/videographers) and aren't amateurs like me, so it's gonna be incredible.

October-December are vacant as of now. I'm looking at getting a travel credit card so I can start racking up miles and take trips more often, especially on the weekends! I'll just use it as my debit card and pay it off monthly. I'm off every Friday-Sunday! I meant, why not?! I'm looking at the Capital One Venture or Chase Sapphire. Ya'll have been so helpful with this when I asked for suggestions on instagram! Some other well loved cards recommended are the American Express Platinum and Barclays Card! This article from CNBC on best travel cards was also really helpful!

I can't wait to share my travels with you guys as the year goes on! I sincerely hope you get to travel your heart out, as well! Planning trips is my favorite way to spend money. You'll make more! Take the trip!